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Apr 06, 2007, 12:14 AM
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Coptershyna's curses

So took Coptershyna's LIS3LV02DQ out of its foam rubber, cleaned more flux from the digital leads, insulated it from the foam with more electrical tape, and started getting nominal accel readings, at least in the dumpy apartment, hand held.

In flight, once again, the LIS3LV02DQ showed the same problems. For the Y axis, a constant value with occasional spikes. For the X axis, wildly deviating values with no correlation. For the Z axis, a constant value with lots of noise and no correlation.

Already pumped out the $40 for a tried and true ADXL330 but that puts Coptershyna out of flight status for a week. Progress on Coptershyna is critical in the emotional support game.

Have allocated an unprecidented new chunk of money into RH2 operations to try to make up the deficit but it's painful no matter what.

It feels like when we had a kidney stone. The lesson was so painful, anesthetic didn't work. Drank tons of water forever after, anything to avoid a repeat.

Now we've got RH2 service pack 8 programmed in. The technology is like the anesthetic, partially effective but not completely. Anything beats the pain.
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