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Jul 19, 2004, 04:36 AM
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What other planes are used in F5D Limited besides the XXS & TurnLeft?

Well, I have a ball flying a small glider (called the Sparkle) made in the Far East that look very much like a Liftoff XXS

This is the first time I flew with a pylon power setup - 3s lipos, Mega 16/7/8 with 5.5x4.3 CAM prop and I'm hooked! It's a wonder how fast the puny motor can pull the plane along horizontal and vertically for a full 10 minutes!!!

I want something more authentic - does anyone have any suggestions besides Avioniks, Arianes and Sunracers?
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Jan 27, 2005, 07:17 PM
Registered User
I just ran into the Sparkle isted here:

I think it's probably a bit small for F5D limited, but it definitely looks like fun. Anyone know where else it might be obtained?

= Mike
Jan 28, 2005, 03:10 PM
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The class was designed for good opportunities to build yourself without being a composite expert. The Turn Left is the first and propably only commercial plane so far.

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