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Dec 29, 2003, 04:27 PM
More Combat Please!
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Scale WWII Birds: Flying Styro vs. Alfa vs. GWS vs. Scorpio

Hi Gents,

I couldn't find any references in these forums to some of the top foamie manufacturers like Flying Styro, and thought maybe I'd see if any of you guys have experience with multiple or ALL of the manufacturers planes.

I bought a GWS P51D, and really like the plane, except that it's UGLY and the tail section was a little deformed out of the box. After looking at these other three plane manufacturers, I'm really impressed with the LOOK of their models. The ALFA and Flying Styro planes are so dang pretty!

So if anybody has comments on strength, quality, flight characteristics, manufacturing design across multiple brands, I'd really like to hear about it. I'm tempted to buy one of every manufacturers planes and do the comparisons myself, but that'd take months.

I'm looking forward to your responses.

Todd Sheridan
"Wind of Change"
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