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Jul 04, 2001, 09:34 AM
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Good hobby shop in Boone NC

I took a trip to the mountains of NC this past weekend and found a Hobby shop in the Boone mall. I think the name of it was Hobby Club. They actually had a good bit of e-flight items. Lots of Firebirds and firebird replacement parts, both slope and powered zagis, and all kinds of parts, tapes and anything else you can think of. Talked to one of the employees and mentioned that they had quite a bit of stuff for e-flight and he says " Yeah that is the upand coming thing." Fellow even told me where the guys go to fly. Said there was a nice slope site on the blue ridge parkway. I want to go back and see that. If you are in the area stop by and check this place out.

I'm sure that there was a lot more to see but the wife dragged me out saying something about being on vacation. I thought I was enjoying myself.
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Mar 14, 2020, 02:42 PM
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Anyone recall a hobby shop called Pastimes? Think it was in the Boone Mall.

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