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Nov 13, 2010, 12:13 AM
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finally its gonna be easier than expected

it is possibe to use "barcode scanner" since the application :

inconvenience that only can shared QR format , I thought the format EAN-8 (rectangle avantage)

I did a test to see... the small square of 5 * 5mm not recognize it, but the 9mm is nice
Last edited by buho29; Nov 13, 2010 at 12:23 AM.
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Nov 13, 2010, 09:59 AM
Registered User
Thanks for putting my name to the update Was suprised twice. Once for seeing my name and once for beeing in the market that fast, google really knows how to speed up the market

Like the idea of using QR codes for batterys. If it is possible.
Nov 13, 2010, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by RazielSerafine
Thanks for putting my name to the update Was suprised twice. Once for seeing my name and once for beeing in the market that fast, google really knows how to speed up the market

Like the idea of using QR codes for batterys. If it is possible.


to create a QR code, in edit power->menu-> create QR Code

scanning QR code, in main->menu-> Scan QR code

when the battery is assigned several models I show on dialog for selecting one model if not I run direct chrono
Nov 14, 2010, 01:45 AM
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I think I have it
need to translate the German and I update in the market (RazielSerafine?)

	<!-- scan/encode QR -->
	<string name="scan_QR">Scanning a QR code</string>
	<string name="scan_not_found">Power not found!</string>
	<string name="scan_error">Error occurred scanning QR</string>
	<string name="scan_choice_title">Choice for %s</string>
	<string name="encode_QR">Create QR code</string>
	<string name="never_encoding_QR_title">Never printed any QR code</string>
	<string name="never_encoding_QR_msg">edit one power and in menu select : \n</string>
Nov 14, 2010, 07:07 AM
flying beam
blackmoon's Avatar
Originally Posted by buho29
c'est ça ... donne moi du travaille petit enfo...
You see it wasn't so much work after all , and I know you like a good challenge

And that you only need a little push up to go for it.

You work very fast, it's impressive.

Thanks mate .
Nov 14, 2010, 07:08 AM
Registered User

	<!-- scan/encode QR -->
	<string name="scan_QR">Scanne einen QR Code</string>
	<string name="scan_not_found">Antrieb nicht gefunden!</string>
	<string name="scan_error">Fehler beim Scannen des QR</string>
	<string name="scan_choice_title">Auswahl für %s</string>
	<string name="encode_QR">QR Code erstellen</string>
	<string name="never_encoding_QR_title">Kein QR Code gedruckt</string>
	<string name="never_encoding_QR_msg">Einen Akku wählen und im Menü : \n wählen</string>
here you go. Can't test the QR's atm as my printer isn't working.
Last edited by RazielSerafine; Nov 14, 2010 at 07:40 AM.
Nov 14, 2010, 08:24 AM
flying beam
blackmoon's Avatar

Language change.

installed the App from the market.

1. How do I change the app language ?

I am now with the french one, I would like to have it in english.

Do the apps choose the language by the the phone's "locale" ?

If so how does one change it without changing locale language, I don't wanna switch every time I use the Rc manager.

2. I tried to generate a barcode...

This is what I've done: Click and hold picture of the model, then "view", I am now in the model screen , on the botom I have "Alarm", "Damage, "Power"...

Click on power, and I get to the Lipo associated with that model...

Menu gives me :"new" "search" and "all", can't find barcode menu... ?

Sorry but new with Android (rev 2.1) only 1 week...

Nov 14, 2010, 02:34 PM
Registered User
You have to select the lipo you want to create a QR for. Hold it and select Edit. In the following menu you can hit the menu button and select : Create QR Code.
Nov 14, 2010, 03:19 PM
flying beam
blackmoon's Avatar
Originally Posted by RazielSerafine
You have to select the lipo you want to create a QR for. Hold it and select Edit. In the following menu you can hit the menu button and select : Create QR Code.
I select Model -> lipo I hold and select Edit.

I'm then on the edit menu for that lipo : change name, details ..., I can't choose "menu" there.

I only can choose menu when in the lipo screen just after Model -> lipo, but don't have any Create QR code there, maybe the revision in the market ain't the last with the QR generation (maybe Buho didn't had the time to update it yet).

Thanks for the fast reply.

On another note, I installed Barcode Scaner, and the app doens't do anything but crashing... "process stoped unexpectedly. retry".
Last edited by blackmoon; Nov 14, 2010 at 03:26 PM.
Nov 14, 2010, 03:42 PM
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RNAF's Avatar

Dutch (Nederlands) translation

I'd need to see it in the application to provide a real proper translation.
For example: "Drive" is that not "Flight"? If so change "Rit" to "Vlucht".

If I can be of further help regarding this I'd love to help you out.

?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<string name="app_name">RCManager</string>
	<string name="emptyMessage">Maak een nieuwe aan! (menu)</string>
	<!-- general -->
	<string name="name">Naam</string>
	<string name="description">Beschrijving</string>
	<string name="date">Datum</string>
	<string name="saved">Opgeslagen</string>
	<string name="New">Nieuw</string>
	<string name="delete">Verwijderen</string>
	<string name="edit">Bewerken</string>
	<string name="created">Aangemaakt</string>
	<string name="cancel">Annuleer</string>
	<string name="ok">Ok</string>
	<string name="save">Opslaan</string>
	<string name="update">Bijwerken</string>
	<string name="d">Dagen</string>
	<string name="h">Uren</string>
	<string name="m">Minuten</string>
	<string name="s">Seconden</string>
	<!-- edit main-->
	<string name="emptyModel">Model niet gevonden</string>
	<string name="emptyModelMessage">Wat wil je doen?</string>
	<string name="loadDemo">Laad Demo</string>
	<!-- edit model-->
	<string name="power_type">Type</string>
	<string-array name="power_type_ar">
    <!-- modelView -->
	<string name="power">Batterij</string>
	<!-- edit powerView-->
	<string name="deletePower">Verwijder uit dit model</string>
	<string name="deletePowerItem">Verwijder definitief</string>
	<string name="all">Alle</string>
	<string name="find">Zoek</string>
	<!-- edit chronoview-->
	<string name="addManual">Voeg timer in</string>
	<string name="start">Start</string>
	<string name="pause">Pause</string>
	<string name="reset">Reset</string>
	<string name="notification_chrono">Alarmtijd verlopen</string>
	<string name="help_cero_seconds">Geen opgeslagen vlucht(tijd is 0)</string>
	<string name="accident">Schade</string>
	<string name="addAccident">Schade toevoegen?</string>
	<string name="delete_last_drive">Verwijder laatste</string>
	<string name="remenber">Opslaan?</string>
	<!-- edit damageview-->
	<string name="cause">Oorzaak</string>
	<string name="price">Kosten</string>
	<string name="newDamage">Nieuwe schade</string>
	<string name="editDamage">Schade bewerken</string>
	<string name="n">n°</string>
	<string name="damage">Schade</string>
	<string-array name="damage_type_ar">
    <!-- edit alarmview-->
	<string name="help_alarm_1">Toon alarm als x uren gevlogen</string>
	<string name="help_alarm_2">Toon alarm bij voorbije dag</string>
	<string name="alarm">Alarm</string>
	<string name="newAlarm">Nieuw alarm</string>
	<string name="editAlarm">Bewerk alarm</string>
	<string name="timeLeft">Tijd resterend</string>
	<string name="note">Notitie</string>
	<string name="type">Type</string>
	<string-array name="alarm_type_ar">
        <item>Tijd gevlogen</item>
        <item>Voorbije datum</item>
	<!-- statistic -->
	<string name="models">Modellen</string>
	<string name="average">Gemiddeld</string>
	<string name="total">Totaal</string>
	<string name="drive">Rit</string>
	<string name="min">Min</string>
	<string name="max">Max</string>
	<string name="time">Tijd</string>
	<string name="helpEmptyFly">&quot;Je hebt niet gevlogen!&quot;</string>
	<!-- main <string name=""></string>-->

	<string name="statistic">Statistieken</string>
	<string name="preference">Voorkeuren</string>
	<string name="view">Bekijk</string>
	<!-- preference -->
	<string name="title_ringtone">Selecteer toon</string>
	<string name="title_sound_enabled">Geluid aan</string>
	<string name="summary_sound_enabled">Geluid geactiveerd voor notificaties</string>
	<string name="title_vibrator_enabled">Trilstand aan</string>
	<string name="summary_vibrator_enabled">Trilstand geactiveerd voor geluid</string>
	<string name="title_vibrator_dia_text">ex: 0 100 500 200 200 </string>
	<string name="summary_vibrator_text">Duur van trilstand aan/uit in bericht</string>
	<string name="title_vibrator_text">Ritme</string>

<!-- scan/encode QR -->
	<string name="scan_QR">Scan een QR code</string>
	<string name="scan_not_found">Batterij niet gevonden!</string>
	<string name="scan_error">Er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan bij het scannen</string>
	<string name="scan_choice_title">Kies percentage</string>
	<string name="encode_QR">Maak een QR code aan</string>
	<string name="never_encoding_QR_title">No geen QR code geprint</string>
	<string name="never_encoding_QR_msg">Pas een batterij aan en selecteer in het menu: \n</string>
Last edited by RNAF; Nov 15, 2010 at 03:17 AM. Reason: Edited the QR-code translation. Also "power" to: "batterij" (battery).Also "Rit" to "Vlucht" (flight)
Nov 14, 2010, 03:56 PM
Registered User

@blackmoon This is the apk you have to download atm to use QR codes. It's not in the market yet.

As for Barcode Scanner, which Android Phone do you have? Must be a newer one if you're running 2.1. I'm running 2.2 Custom ROM on my HTC Hero
Nov 14, 2010, 04:33 PM
flying beam
blackmoon's Avatar
Originally Posted by RazielSerafine

@blackmoon This is the apk you have to download atm to use QR codes. It's not in the market yet.

As for Barcode Scanner, which Android Phone do you have? Must be a newer one if you're running 2.1. I'm running 2.2 Custom ROM on my HTC Hero
Did think so, I'm searching for easy way to install it...

As for the phone, I just found a topic on the bug list of barcode scanner, something to do with Low resolution screens I think, like the HTC WILFIRE, and some Samsung phones.

The barcode gets read but then the app crashes, as I am able to get the barcode's value in "menu->history"

I have a Samsung GALAXY Apollo GT-5800 (bought it one week ago), I'll try the version specific for the Wildfire that the devs posted in the bugs forum.

Thanks for the help.

EDIT: Done.

Was as simple as copying (not via KIES ("that file extension could not be copied", that POS Samsung software(gotta have to find a replacement fast) the apk and open it with the file manager.

Barcode scanner for wildfire working as expected.

Up to Rcmanager.
Last edited by blackmoon; Nov 14, 2010 at 04:41 PM.
Nov 14, 2010, 06:16 PM
flying beam
blackmoon's Avatar
Ok did some testing with RCmanager and BR code reading (BR generation is ok, it seems so, see 2).

1. RCManager just crashes like Barecode Scanner did (Andro Market Version).

I was expecting it since it uses the BC recognition library common to all devices , and not the one in the specific version for the low res screen devices...

Gotta have to wait for the updated library to be available for third party developers.

Unless, Buho could swap the incriminating file in his apk, and have a package for low resolution devices, at least until the devs of Barcode scanner resolve this issue more elegantly (t'en pense quoi Bubule ).

2. By the way, does the helicopter(plane) name and lipo name, get generated in the barcode ?

I just have one lipo, and the barcode value is "1", I was expecting something like "helicopter(plane) name->lipo name", simpler to grasp if scanned outside the RCmanager.

Maybe is because I put spaces in my lipo name (SoloPro Lipo 1), and it only took the last digit ?

Gonna do some tests on the morning...

Signing out...
Nov 14, 2010, 08:12 PM
Registered User
Thread OP
Originally Posted by blackmoon
Ok did some testing with RCmanager and BR code reading (BR generation is ok, it seems so, see 2).

1. RCManager just crashes like Barecode Scanner did (Andro Market Version).

I was expecting it since it uses the BC recognition library common to all devices , and not the one in the specific version for the low res screen devices...

Gotta have to wait for the updated library to be available for third party developers.

Unless, Buho could swap the incriminating file in his apk, and have a package for low resolution devices, at least until the devs of Barcode scanner resolve this issue more elegantly (t'en pense quoi Bubule ).

2. By the way, does the helicopter(plane) name and lipo name, get generated in the barcode ?

I just have one lipo, and the barcode value is "1", I was expecting something like "helicopter(plane) name->lipo name", simpler to grasp if scanned outside the RCmanager.

Maybe is because I put spaces in my lipo name (SoloPro Lipo 1), and it only took the last digit ?

Gonna do some tests on the morning...

Signing out...
I have every battery assigns a unique number (id), after only interrogate the database to whom the number corresponds

I did not understand your problem with "Barcode Scanner", I use it from the beginning htc G1/dream and desire, android 1.5,1.6,2.1,2.2

update in market
added language selection
Nov 15, 2010, 08:26 AM
flying beam
blackmoon's Avatar
Originally Posted by buho29
I have every battery assigns a unique number (id), after only interrogate the database to whom the number corresponds

I did not understand your problem with "Barcode Scanner", I use it from the beginning htc G1/dream and desire, android 1.5,1.6,2.1,2.2

update in market
added language selection
Ok, I'll discuss this in MP with you, in french

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