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Archive for November, 2015
Posted by cyberhoops | Nov 05, 2015 @ 01:18 PM | 11,295 Views
After getting a 3D printer a few months ago, I have been making a few mini Unlimited hydroplanes.

The bigger models are 7" long, which fits inside my 8 inch build area. The smaller boats are 3.5" long. They are mostly hand painted with the text being waterslide decals - except for the white text which is hand painted since I can't make white waterslide decals.

I have modeled the 30' Karleson hull, a 30' "drop sponson" hull, and the 1983 Renault hull. I am working on the 1973-1975 Winged Wonder Pay'n Pak hull.

The Karleson hull was a variety of boats including the national champion checkerboard Bardahl from 1968, the 1971 Hallmark Homes and the 1969 Notre Dame.

The drop sponson boat is the 1971 Miss Madison, which was the underdog Gold Cup winner that year.

Then we have the 1983 Miss Renault, which is just one of my favorite boats.