dmrcflyr2's blog View Details
Archive for June, 2018
Posted by dmrcflyr2 | Jun 12, 2018 @ 05:55 AM | 23,199 Views
It has been a long time since my last post to my blog. I really do not frequent RCGroups much anymore. Those that are interested in seeing the engines I have been running can simply go to my YouTube channel. I also opened a dumbass Facebook account but I am unsure how long I will be there. A search of this will get you there, david.mcintire.372661

Now this beautiful engine is on loan to me by a very awesome gentleman and RCGroups member. He will be sending me several other engines to make videos of as well but none as grand as this one. Enough talk, le's watch the video.

Enya VT-240 First Run (8 min 44 sec)