Vince Herman's blog View Details
Posted by Vince Herman | Feb 12, 2006 @ 08:18 AM | 10,287 Views
On this first entry, let me tell you a bit about myself.
As a youngster, I built a lot of stick and tissue rubber powered free flight planes and sailplanes.
Back in 1981 or so, I tried to fly an RC sailplane with no help from others. With bad equipment. I crashed a lot.
Forward to about 2000 (?) when the Wattage B2 was new. I received one as a gift, and it was a blast. It barely had and enough power to stay in the air. But I learned to fly it. Then we got Zagi 400's. Oh, more power! My Dad and some of my brothers all got Zagis. Dad and my oldest brother Mike fly nitro as well.
I now have had many different planes, sailplanes and helis, all electric powered.
I'll see what I can do to list all of them. Later.
I am a member of the Valley City RC Club, a mostly nitro club but with a rapidly growing electric presence.
And for current news, it is snowing, and we have our annual club snow fly today!