ScottGridley's blog View Details
Posted by ScottGridley | Oct 20, 2011 @ 08:52 PM | 3,305 Views
Here's some info about me:
1. I have been dying to get into RC since I was I kid, now I'm 41.
2. I finally had the time and money to buy a RTF a few years ago, got a decathlon, promptly crashed it several times, never really flew it, and quit.
3. Decided to get an eRC micro stik summer 2011, and *LOVED* it. So easy to fly, even my kids could do it. Bought some higher C lipos for it and got much more comfortable flying it fast. Loved the convenience of not having to pack it up and drive to fly, just step out the door and go...can't be beat.
4. Got a UM T-28, also fly out the front door. Took me a bit to get used to the 4-ch set up, but so fun to fly, now I'm pretty good a few weeks later.
5. Planning on getting the new Beast 3D.
6. Building a Guillow's 16.5" stuka to convert to RC this winter - got parts?
