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Archive for February, 2018
Posted by Micubano | Feb 15, 2018 @ 01:25 PM | 17,204 Views
My UMX Cessna just happened to be delivered on Valentine's Day. It is all set to fly. Since I couldn't due to it being dark out and rainy out, I took some pics of it instead.
Posted by Micubano | Feb 12, 2018 @ 01:03 PM | 14,941 Views
I've been flying a little with UMX planes this winter, but not like I did the previous 2 winters because the fields are really wet. I have 3 new HH planes hanging on the ceiling waiting to be maidened and a 4th on the way. Plus I am buying 3 used planes off another RCG member. The lesson to learn here is bad weather does not soften the addiction in any way. I think I was just buying planes to have something to put together and get ready to fly. Here's hoping for a great Summer like last year. I loved flying 3 days a week.