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Archive for April, 2013
Posted by skydve76 | Apr 16, 2013 @ 12:53 PM | 15,892 Views
I have high end models, turbines, EDFs, big msutang, large jets. Big stuff I need an AMA field for.

..And yet all my "golden days" seem to be memories of my flying at the local parks with a parkzone stryker, original parkzone mustang, GWS slowstick. The magic I had back then, the feeling of opening the stryker. the newness, the unknown, the learning!

Why? Is it because I was younger 5 years ago? Because I just remember things differently then they were? Or am I just becoming very negative and just cant have fun anymore?

I used to get made fun of for flying foam jets, how they require no skill and I need a "real" plane like all the built up old timers that dominate our fields. Now I fly turbines and all the guys that made fun of me fly foam jets themselves and tell me they are exactly the same as my turbine jets in skill level.

I am wondering if the reason I loved the park so much is no one else was there to bring negativity and fuel mine? Seems everything is a competition and too many use this hobby as a form of self esteem.

I need to keep my negativity down, any suggestions? I want to go the field and just fly, and not have someone trying to act like I am dangerous, unskilled, poor, rich whatever. I just want to fly with the magic! But it seems there is not any magic left