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Archive for October, 2011
Posted by Troy | Oct 12, 2011 @ 12:18 AM | 25,004 Views
Welcome to my project in turning a small pylon racer airframe into a clear, cast piece of artwork! This tutorial and demonstration may present new materials and concepts to those use to using rigid composites (fiberglass and epoxy) to make our typical flying parts.

The materials themselves are not too far different than the typical epoxies and other two-part material systems we are use to. They have certain ratios to measure and mix just like you would a laminating epoxy. But there are some new concepts and methods in processing that may take some getting familiar with. I will go over the equipment used for my demo and how you might approach this type of a project in case you don't have access to it.

Since I am already building an airframe of the Micro Stinger (designed and produced by my good buddy Bret "Pdawg" Becker) I decided it was small enough to try this concept of molding and casting a solid, static model for display. I received permission from Bret to take a mold of this design on the premis that it would be for personal use and not for profit. I am already in the business of selling these materials and am not looking to produce cast parts for sale but rather show other people how it can be done for their own projects. Enough of the semantics, let's get on to the good stuff...!

The mold material I am going to use for this is a standard in the industry for casting two-part polyurethanes; Silicone. This is not the silicone found at local hardware...Continue Reading