ApachePilot's blog View Details
Posted by ApachePilot | Jan 21, 2015 @ 10:41 AM | 11,720 Views
Since my last blog entry a few things have changed. I have since left the natural gas industry to follow a higher calling. I returned home to finish my studies and became an ordained minister in 2013. Since that time my RC interests have slowed a bit and taken on another direction. Having opened our new place of worship and adjusting to my new life I have started helping out in our local school. Teaching/ helping students part time in science and shop. Lately we have begun a new project for our middle and highschool sudents. (Families have now been invited to join) We have a curriculum and will be teaching these leaders of tomorrow the truth and possibilities behind FPV and (drones) as the name has been adopted. We call them surveillance vehicles. We have a project beginning March 1st instructing students on this concept.

A calling

It should be known that we are not only attempting to introduce the world of FPV to these leaders of tomorrow, we are doing so from the ground up. Learning to fly, viewing footage, reading and exams. We all see videos on the internet and on television of these so called drones as everyone seems to name them. Our students are instructed on every aspect, from design, build, and function before ever placing a camera onboard. Once these goals are achieved we step it up a bit and install a video camera. The model is to be flown over a predetermined coarse LOS and footage is viewed after landing. The last step is to install video downlink, at which point students will fly via a monitor with a spotter on a closed coarse. The final test will be given to all students after progress is made. These students are tomorrows leaders and we would like them to know this technology and what it could do for crop research, wild life and conservation, as well as search and rescue if it was warranted

We are asking other multi-rotor and FPV pilots for their help in fulfilling this mission. Please view our thread here. https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/show....php?t=2329266

Father Francis
Posted by ApachePilot | Mar 21, 2010 @ 09:15 AM | 14,843 Views
It has been a very long time since I have written anything here, so now that I finally have the time, I thought I would share a little more about me and where I am in this wonderful hobby.

The year is 1974 and I am a child of eight years, living farm life. Not that of cattle, horses or other livestock mind you; but living in the great north of Michigan planting and harvesting crops for the canning,winter season. Each year would bring something different, sometimes new and exciting and other times rather dreadful for a child. I come from a poor family of the times with my only friends being miles away at school. As such, school was to be my only release from the everyday humdrum and goings on at home. I know, I know, everybody had it poor back then and most elders will tell you the story of having to walk to school in a blizzard and back again. I never had it like that, but what I can truely say is that my clothes were in fassion long before their time. my best go to church on sunday clothes were so full of holes, that even by todays standards would be considered rags. Even though we raised crops yearly, my mother was not known to be the best in the kitchen either. I know she tried, but it seemed cooking a bountiful meal was simply above her. Our greatest meal of that long ago time was hamburger soup. This meal would consist of one gallon of water, one pound of ground burger, perhaps an onion and salt and pepper to season. Served with a loave of bread and butter, we...Continue Reading
Posted by ApachePilot | Aug 26, 2008 @ 10:07 AM | 15,900 Views
Just thought I would add a small entry to help others here understand a little about me and why I love this hobby so much.