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Archive for April, 2014
Posted by bwoollia | Apr 27, 2014 @ 06:31 PM | 21,632 Views
I've been working on this project for a while but I haven't shared much here on the forums yet. Sort of a private project! However, I'm just so happy with how it's turning out that I have to post a few photos.

Essentially, I have taken the FlyFly MiG-15 and glassed the wings. I was going to glass the fuselage as well, but decided to just coat it with a finishing resin - in retrospect I should have glassed that too. But more of that later.

The striking thing about this model is the aluminum finish. This was accomplished with aluminum tape from the hardware store, which was then roughed up with Scotchbrite pads. I have also added rivet detail with a "rotating pin spurwheel".

The aluminum tape worked best on the surfaces which were glassed (and filled, sanded). One the surfaces where only the epoxy resin was applied, often the foam showed through from below - this was not always the case however and when smoothed with a hard, flat object (like the handle of the scissors I used to cut the tape) the surface smoothed out nicely.

As for the rivet lines, I drew those on with a washable marker on the surface with a straight edge (mostly), then followed the lines with the spiky wheel.

As I did each part of the model, I was mostly happy with the effect. When I put the model together I was blown away by the effect! Very nice! I have yet to do some finishing touches (retracts, ailerons, a bit of electronics, etc) and put it in the sun however I expect...Continue Reading
Posted by bwoollia | Apr 11, 2014 @ 05:35 PM | 19,988 Views