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Archive for January, 2010
Posted by shigetyann | Jan 28, 2010 @ 04:16 AM | 10,881 Views
For all FSK Macchi Fun.
I made perfect hydroplaning, taking off, and landing.
Now I'm reporting how to make her.
Bellow is it.

Flying Styro Kit Macchi M67 Schneider Trophy Racer (1 min 52 sec)

Thank you.
Posted by shigetyann | Jan 23, 2010 @ 10:05 AM | 14,536 Views
I got FSK macchi M.67 last spring in March 2009.

It is tough model. When I glanced at construction guide, I imagined some sections were needed to modify.
Because this kits construction was apart from my satisfying image.
I wanted to have enough motor power with fuselages firmness as a racer, smooth hydroplaning, taking off and landing, and easy maintenance.

I started to ponder which way is better to fly as other floatplanes.

Firstly, I considered the shape of this float wouldn’t be easy to run straightly on the water because of the deep V shape.
And the floats with the dull edge of the steps make difficult to let go from water.

Secondarily, the fore side area from the center of gravity, which is summed up the fuselage and the floats, is bigger compared to other planes. This should cause the difference of the center of gravity from normal planes, supposed to be forward.

And the last, I found contents such as battery, receiver and servos will be mounted as forward as possible.
This forced me to make the wing removable to maintenance easy, fortunately this lead to be possible to mount another item, float rudders.

This time, I show some pictures about constitutions the main plane and inside the fuselage.