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Archive for August, 2011
Posted by 1987tc | Aug 18, 2011 @ 10:52 AM | 11,443 Views
So I took Kayleigh to work at Wal Mart. I come home and plop my tired butt in the recliner. My hand drops to the side of the chair absent minded and my fingers touch something wet!

My First thought is Cameron. So out of reflex I look around for her ( Pomeranian) speaking her name loudly.
I see her on the sofa looking at me with a puzzled look....

Then I realize there is a lot more water then she could leave behind. A LOT more.
I get up and look around. There is water all over the floor leading to the model room. I open the door and step inside. SQUISH!!! there is that nasty sound as I step into very wet carpet. I look and see the water is coming from the closet where the water heater is. And the water is warm...:ce nsored:
well I know where it came from now!
The lousy water heater let go!
I waddle over to the water heater and find the water and gas shut offs. Get them off and go out side to find a hose. Get it hooked up and get the remaining water drained out side.

Now of course this all takes place after 10 pm.
So no repairs that night!

When Angi gets home she walks up to the door from her truck with a puzzled look seeing the hose leading out of the house. That is till I tell her what happened. She had about the same feeling I did.
We cleaned up the water as best we could. And the next morning headed out to get a water heater.

I did finally manage to get it swapped out. Do you have any idea how NASTY old WET carpet and padding smells? Carpet that was from 1978 mind you? Well I am hear to tell you that it makes a wet dog smell like roses in comparison!

So now the mess is gone ( so is the carpet) and we have a new non leaking water heater installed.

My mood is better now. And I give the old one a kick each time I see it. ( not hauled off yet) but that was NOT a good evening!