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Archive for September, 2013
Posted by mikegbogh | Sep 25, 2013 @ 07:19 AM | 13,430 Views
My new 3mtr Swift S1 sport scale man this grooves around the sky you dare not take your eyes of it.
It has my own aerofoils , is very aerobatic retains its energy but needs a lot of work to slow it down on the slope for accurate landings one maiden flight and I am chuffed. Ok now had flight number 2 which was about 30minutes tamed down the flaperon to elevator mix from 25 percent to 5 percent , landings are now a breeze and not a panic, trying to slow down too much in a thermal I noticed a tendancy to drop a wing and tip stall, also when far away having a flat wing it is often hard to tell if its comming or going.
its semi scale /sport scale